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Don Blohowiak 13y, 50d ago

Brett, I bought your Markdown and MMDComposer, but the footnotes syntax [^1] doesn't seem to work.

Am I missing something?

Also, I really appreciated the Markdown Guide you included with Marked. It would be a lot more useful if the window could be resized, one could open it in Preview or print it.


I appreciate your many writings and open source work...


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Brett 13y, 50d ago

How are you formatting the footnote? The correct formatting is:

 Text in need of footnote[^name]

[^name]: This is the footnote

If you're trying to use the format in this post, you need to run the service on the original document before you can preview it in Markdown.

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Joshua Kehn 13y, 56d ago

I would love to see this added to MultiMarkdown. Even though it's more inline junk (which I now tend to avoid) it does have it's uses when I don't want to segment out a section for one or two footnotes.

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David Coleman 13y, 56d ago

That's what I love about it--that it takes the inline junk and moves it all to the end section in one hit to create much less cluttered text. And it means I don't have to interrupt the flow of writing to scroll back and forth just to add a footnote, which is great for longer docs.

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