5 (random) winners will be picked today for free Yoink promo codes; comment before noon to get in on it! http://t.co/tDECKm7
Are you moving the finger that's holding the button down? You're holding it wrong :) On the big trackpad and on the laptops, you can hold it down with your thumb and move a finger (or fingers) to drag, as if there were a button along the bottom. So then you can pick up the finger and move it when you get to the edga.
I was a PathFinder user. I like it better than Finder and would switch back if there was a way to totally replace Finder with PathFinder. Alas, there is not. I'm currently using TotalFinder to get tabs in Finder. The feature that I miss the most from PathFinder is the drop stack, so Yoink sounds ideal.