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Suleiman Leadbitter 10y, 99d ago

I love this Brett it saves me a massive amount of time. Thank you for your hard work. One question though is I can't seem to get this working in Atom Editor, do you have any advice on this?

Many thanks

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Geoff Taylor 10y, 129d ago

I've downloaded every version of SearchLink that you've posted and never once got to digging into the documentation. I did this time and I love it (the app, nice docs too). I'm horrible at working new keyboard shortcuts into my memory, but I'm determined to get something going. Oh, I tried the example list you included and noticed a thrown error on Purple Animator. It seems that it has been renamed Purple Motion.

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ttscoff 10y, 128d ago

yeah, that actually became my error test. If you turn on error reporting, it will show a nice message with the missed result :)

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