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Samuel Cotterall 13y, 148d ago


I haven’t used MultiMarkdown Composer yet, but I would imagine that it would be ideal for anyone who’s moving from TextMate to other text editors.

Byword replaced a combination of TextMate & Marked (when I moved to BBEdit for code stuff), but I can imagine MultiMarkdown Composer & Marked replacing Byword simply because, thanks to its syntax highlighting, it looks a bit more like TextMate (especially with Brett’s themes). Byword is totally rad, but MMC just looks a little more familiar to someone who’s spent the last ten years staring at 10pt Monaco.

I guess what I mean is that, from what I can tell, MultiMarkdown Composer is to TextMate what Byword is to Word.

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Jeff Barszcz 13y, 149d ago

How do you see this fitting into a typical workflow? I use nvAlt, Byword, Marked, and less so MarsEdit.

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David Brush 13y, 150d ago

Nevermind... I figured out the whole 'checkbox' thing... you can delete the comment I made.

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David Brush 13y, 150d ago

I haven't seen this posted elsewhere yet.

In MMComposer preferences under Preview you can enter the following to have the program open the current document in Marked for preview.

open /Applications/

remark link
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David Brush 13y, 150d ago

Under Preferences -> Advanced Tab.

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