OK, I got it.
Through some troubleshooting and setting up abbreviations that did things like running ruby --version
I discovered that I've got both ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9 on my system.
My own command line defaulted to 1.9, but TextExpander was finding 1.8. I put the correct path on the ruby command in the shebang and it works.
Also, -rjcode caused failure, so I had to remove that too. The way I understand it, that's now included in 1.9.
Hi Brett,
I've also lost well over a productive hour getting ruby, gems, etc. upgraded on my system so I could run this script. It didn't like that I updated to Snow Leopard since installing Ruby.
In the end, this script runs well from the command line. Very cool.
However when I put it in textexpander, I get no output. Just a chirp.
I know you're not textexpander tech support, but any quick thoughts? Some other ruby scripts do work, like your ,,sub and ,,enc scripts.