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Scott Jangro 14y, 42d ago

OK, I got it.

Through some troubleshooting and setting up abbreviations that did things like running ruby --version I discovered that I've got both ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9 on my system.

My own command line defaulted to 1.9, but TextExpander was finding 1.8. I put the correct path on the ruby command in the shebang and it works.

Also, -rjcode caused failure, so I had to remove that too. The way I understand it, that's now included in 1.9.

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Brett 14y, 42d ago

Cool. I forgot I'm using RVM to handle my multiple Ruby installs. -rjcode is just a Unicode flag, but I didn't realize it was not needed in 1.9. There's always something new to learn :).

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Scott Jangro 14y, 42d ago

Yeah, it's all in the snippet, it's set to shell type.

The chirp is my "alert sound". So something's wrong. I'm hoping there's some sort of error log hidden somewhere.

I've emailed them. We'll see what they say.

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Brett 14y, 42d ago

Did you install Raingrams and Maruku?

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Scott Jangro 14y, 42d ago

Hi Brett,

I've also lost well over a productive hour getting ruby, gems, etc. upgraded on my system so I could run this script. It didn't like that I updated to Snow Leopard since installing Ruby.

In the end, this script runs well from the command line. Very cool.

However when I put it in textexpander, I get no output. Just a chirp.

I know you're not textexpander tech support, but any quick thoughts? Some other ruby scripts do work, like your ,,sub and ,,enc scripts.


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Brett 14y, 42d ago

You have the entire script in your Snippet, and it's set to Shell type, I assume. And it works from the command line, so it executes fine. I'm wondering if there's a setting I don't know about or something. What does the chirp mean on your? Is that a success or failure sound?

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