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unverified 3y, 170d ago

Please consider, for the sake of older eyes, a means for increasing text size.

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Chris 12y, 156d ago

Thanks Brett for all of your work on this project, your informative blog, and your contribution to everything plain text!

This might be a stupid question, but is the "Find" function (CMD + F) working? It seems to be broken on NV as well, so when I am in a note and want to see where a word appears in it, I cannot jump from one to the next as I (perhaps mistakenly) recall doing back in my Snow Leopard and Lion days. Or, I am I just completely confused about how this app works? After a couple of years (?) using it, you'd think I'd have it figured out by now...

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Brett 12y, 156d ago

I should just replace the download link with this.

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Chris 12y, 156d ago

Nevermind. I see what is happening. I pressed the big green download button and got "nvALT 2.2 BETA", but it looks like nvALT 2.2b94 (linked in the text) is the one to get. "Find" works great there.

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Chris 12y, 156d ago

Nevermind. They are both fine. Is there no way to edit or delete my posts? Expunge my bumbling download attempts from the record, please! And, good job with keeping this software up-to-date!

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Chris 12y, 156d ago

I am using the beta, but still having my "Find" problem. Am I alone with this?

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scrubbs 12y, 193d ago

I find that nvAlt is perfect for taking meeting notes and getting the results out in a nicely formatted email in Outlook (which I'm required to use). Overall, it makes for a great workflow. I describe a bit more of mostly what didn't work here:

Work Flow to Outlook 2011

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Scrubbs 12y, 186d ago

Looks like the link above is broke. This should work

nvALT to Outlook Workflow

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rabbit 12y, 194d ago

@Wes "The current public build is quite old", do you mean the current public build for this free software is quite old?

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Brett 12y, 165d ago

And to answer that question: we're still trying to fix one last bug before making 2.2 an official release. All current bugfixes are up on github and the source can be compiled, but we're still working on a compiled release. Progress has been slow as neither of us have been able to afford a lot of time to work on it, but it is, nonetheless, on the near horizon.

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Michael 12y, 165d ago

The fact that the software is free does not invalidate the question, nor does asking the question necessarily show impatience or ingratitude. The developer made a statement and a user is following up on that statement, period.

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Wes Campaigne 12y, 194d ago

Speaking of nvALT, what's happened with the 2.2 beta? I seem to recall you saying there'd a new build very soon ... back in July. The current public build is quite old.

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