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Ed 9y, 73d ago

Just upgraded to 10; looking forward to your overview/review of how you use it along with curiosa. Thanks.

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Phil 9y, 127d ago

Looks interesting. Do you use it to manage your projects?

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ttscoff 9y, 127d ago

I use it as a brainstorming notebook. My smaller projects often go from mind map straight to coding/production, but if I need to pull together multiple sources and organize additional info, Curio is awesome. Easy to share with and present to collaborators as well.

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Phil 9y, 127d ago

Thanks. I rely upon nvALT (for my virtual short-term memory) and Devonthink Pro (for my virtual long-term memory), but Curio looks like it's got a lot of tools that could augment these. I watched a video showing how a mathematical biologist uses it as his research organizer -- very impressive. I definitely will have to give this a try.

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Alfred Jingle 9y, 104d ago

Phil, do you have the link to that video you mentioned?

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Phil 9y, 103d ago

It is on the curio website way down at the bottom of the page.

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