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Pavel Sakun 10y, 344d ago

Hi Brett. Any chance to have a recording? It's always tons more info in case it's "live" and not just slides at least because I very miss the intonation and sidenotes.

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Omar Khafagy 10y, 345d ago

Great presentation. Wish I could have been there for it live.

I was wondering: how do you handle more than one computer? I have a 27" iMac and a MacBook Air... I'm struggling to find ways to keep the two sync'd meaningfully.

Nothing more annoying than trying to do something on one computer and remembering that it's only available on the other.

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Arlen Nagata 10y, 351d ago

I need a year just to implement a few of these tips! Thanks!!!

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Allison Zwingenberger 10y, 354d ago

This was an awesome presentation! No need to call it an intro to the MPU presentation, it was way more advanced. I need to go through tip by tip and make sure I learn all the awesome workflows. Thanks Brett!

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