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Donald 13y, 176d ago

Just some other things I find useful,

Another great one to do is assign ^W (Ctrl-w) to be unix-filename-rubout instead of the default unix-word-rubout. This makes it so when you have your cursor (|) positioned here foo/bar/test.txt| and hit C-w, it just deletes up to the first / character. This makes fixing thinigs a bit easier. It also works within a path.

You may also want to set mark-symlinked-directories as -- by default -- bash doesn't put a / after symlinks when doing autocomplete. This fixes that.

You can also bind a key to glob-expand-word which will take a bash glob -- say * -- and replace the glob with all the files that match that glob.

set bind-tty-special-chars on
set mark-symlinked-directories on
set prefer-visible-bell on
"\C-w": unix-filename-rubout
"": unix-filename-rubout
"\C-x*": glob-expand-word

The bind-tty-special-chars is so that I can use C-s and C-r to search forward and backwards, respectively, in my command history. Normally C-s taken over by the tty but by enabling bind-tty-special-chars and also putting this,

# this is a bugfix for certain terminals so that all eamcs bindings
# work.
if [ -t 0 ]; then
stty stop undef
stty werase undef

The if just tests if we're in an actual terminal (i.e., stdin is open).

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Brett 13y, 176d ago

Awesome tips, thanks!

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