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Patric H 7y, 221d ago

Worked like a charm! So happy to have my hyper key back! Thanks a bunch.

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Jason Cutler 7y, 225d ago

Ah, you said “to_when_alone” in the blog text but the file uses “to_if_alone”! Tricky. Also this page has hex usage ID mapping if anyone finds it helpful:

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Adrian Perez 7y, 245d ago

Would you have any tips for those of us that have been trying to hack Fn as hyper?
Got it working on my previous laptop by hacking/mapping Hyper+F1...F10 on Hammerspoon, but that doesn't seem to work on tMBP.

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John 7y, 247d ago

Thank you very much Bret! I really like the Hyper key.

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Leo 7y, 257d ago

In Karabiner-Elements version 0.91.5 "Change caps_lock key to command+control+option+shift. (Post escape key when pressed alone)" is included as an example in complex_modifications rules.

So, the editing of the json file could be skipped:)

Just go to Karabiner-Elements/Preferences/Complex_ Modifications/[+Add Rule] and [+Enable] "Change caps_lock key to command+control+option+shift."

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Александр Волков 7y, 254d ago

Good NEWS!!! 👍🏻
Will FineFly in OSX 10.13(17A291m)!

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Pat Bass 7y, 260d ago

I have periodically used the hyperlink chain but am not a programmer. Do you need both Karabinger and Hammerspoon to make this work?

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ttscoff 7y, 260d ago

Nope. And as of yesterday, Karabiner Elements added a bit more "complex modifications" functionality, so this is getting easier to set up again. Instructions above still apply, though.

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seishonagon 7y, 276d ago

One important caveat for TouchBar users (and maybe others?) - the CMD-ALT-ESC combination to open Force-quit does not work anymore with KE, and the FN key may disable itself. No workaround that I know of for the first issue. For the FN Key, it seems putting your Mac to sleep solves the issue.
Apart from that, god it's good to have Hyper back.

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lamike 7y, 276d ago

Love the Hyper key. Used it for years before Mac OS took it away. Have one question about your instructions. It flows from the fact I am not a programer. I have downloaded Karabiner Elements and replaced the Karabiner config file in my Home Directory with your config file listed in your post. I want to make the "to_when_alone change. I see the to_when_alone entry in your config file, where do I place "caps_lock"

Finally do I need to add the Seil app?

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lamike 7y, 276d ago


No need to get back to me. I've got everything up and running..

Congrats on your waste report. About ten years ago, I took off 85 lbs. They are still off. Best thing I ever Did

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Martin Kelley 7y, 276d ago

With this update I've been able to get the hyper part working but not the "to_if_alone", which I'd like to map to f18 (which I've set to Spotlight). I swapped
> "key_code": "escape",'
to read
> "key_code": "f18",
but no luck. Hmmm...

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kai 7y, 276d ago

Hi Brett,

just wanted to thank you for that instruction. This helped me quite a lot! ;)

Cheers, Kai

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