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Chris L 9y, 92d ago

The window-size/resolution thing always confounds me. My current practice is not to adjust screen resolution at all but to size the windows so they are the right proportion for the aspect ratio I'm targeting (usually 16:9).

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Ian Downard 9y, 96d ago

What are your favorite places to find background music? And have you ever considered not using background music at all? I'm torn between keeping it barebones vs adding ambient background music in my own screencasts.

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lesposen 9y, 100d ago

Very nice Write up, Brett, which closely matches my own for a variety of educational/clinical lessons. The combo of Screenflow and Keynote is a great one, each one complementing the strengths and weaknesses of the other. Each have features worth the effort of digging into, although each is simple enough to produce great outcomes with minimal knowledge.

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Dale Stanbrough 9y, 100d ago

I've found that having a separate account that you can configure without all of the crap you normally have - things in your dock, menu bar, general clutter in your files - to be useful.

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ttscoff 9y, 100d ago

Excellent tip, especially if you're demoing the setup of something where viewers will be starting fresh. Also helps you remember what esoteric settings you may have forgotten about in your normal config.

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