Hello Brett,
Thank you for making Marked! I bought it the first time I heard David Sparks mention it because I was just starting to use Markdown at the time, being the new and first-time owner of a Mac.
I do most of my blogging on Dreamwidth.org, which is a Livejournal type platform (a fork of the open source LJ codebase, with quite a few differences), and the system has its own additional markup on top of HTML, to designate users on the platform, etc; stuff like
and things like that.
In the first and I think second iteration of Marked, when it interpreted one of my blogposts written in MultiMarkdown Composer, it somehow knew to not render the Dreamwidth-specific markup in HTML. But now that I updated to the latest version, if I write a user tag in MMC, it will become HTML:
<user name=xoxox>
(I hope this is showing properly, I'm afraid it might not be).
Anyway, I mean that every < or > is now rendered as the corresponding HTML entity. Which, I understand, is desirable for many? I was just wondering if there is a setting somewhere that could affect this, a tweak I could play with, or anything like that. As you can see I have problems finding the right vocabulary to even talk about this properly and make sure I'm being clear, so… it's possible I should have been able to find the solution on my own and failed to - just as it's plausible (probable) that there is no solution for me at all.
I thought I'd ask, though.
Thank you for a great piece of software, overall, even if I ending having to stop using it soon. ;)
I'm not sure I get what's happening, but the only thing that should have changed is the multimarkdown processor being used. I'm not sure it has an option to disable rendering entities, but I'll look into it. It would be helpful to me if you could open a ticket with the above information at http://support.markedapp.com so I can track the bug. Thanks!