Could you post a picture of how it's supposed to look on LaunchControl? I made several attempts under User Agents but either it tells me it's running "Program to run: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/homebridge" and it actually isn't or I put "Program to run: /usr/local/bin/node" and "/usr/local/bin/homebridge" in custom arg and runs for a minute then returns an error and relaunches.
Should I add something like sudo before the string? I have no idea.
I run homebridge from Terminal, and every now and then there will be an error and it stops working. I then have to stop and restart homebridge.
Do you find you have to restart it now and then? If so, are you doing something to check it's still running without any problems, or automatically restarting every now and then?
Also, do you run it from Terminal, or do you use something else?
(Something that runs in the background?)
Use launchd with a KeepRunning key. LaunchControl (linked above) makes this a drag and drop process.
I've tried it with LaunchControl, but for some reason it's not working
The error message says 'env: node: No such file or directory'
Is there anything obvious I'm missing? (Very likely.)
I've been pretty happy with Homebridge, as well. I've used to bridge my Nest Thermostat, garage door opener, and added my weather station (using humidity-file and temperature-file). iOS 9.2 "disappeared" my home on my iPad, though. Have you determined a way to do multi-personal geo-fencing with HomeKit (or Indigo)? Also, I'm worried that Apple will make some move to shut down Homebridge.
I haven't played with geofencing for quite a while. I had a setup using iBeacons that was ok, but not ideal. Doing it with multiple people would take definitely take some additional logic that I've never looked into. (the house only automates for me, which is the way my wife prefers it, and there's only the two of us and a bunch of dogs here :)).
I don't see any reason Apple would try to block or avoid homebridge. It's not interfering with their system at all, and extends the functionality significantly.
Am in the same boat with a Wife and lots of dogs, but I travel a fair bit, so the added logic would be beneficial in my household. I don't know that HomeKit has much in the way of provisions for that logic, however. Maybe in the future.
As far my concern about Apple interfering, my thought process is that it gets in the way of selling "certified" product. (Doesn't HomeKit require an authentication chip or some such, which is why many products haven't retrofit?) That said, during Homebridge's initial setup, the iPhone does ask you to allow it event hough it's not certified (signed?), so perhaps they don't care.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Also, if you have an iBeacon (twocanoes makes some good ones, there are a few iOS apps that let you trigger at closer range. I have my own API set up to basically send AppleScript commands to Indigo, but Indigo now provides its own API and Python server/plugin architecture that you can expose as well. With that, I can use webhooks to automate via any app that can trigger a URL based on geofencing or beacons.
All HomeKit apps ask permission to use a new server. Homebridge doesn't do anything on the actual device, so you're only running App Store apps that connect with permission to a third-party server, which is really the way they _all_ run. Homebridge is actually just providing device services, the same way Hue, Webo, or other devices would.
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