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Asier García Morato 10y, 341d ago

Would it be possible to automatically copy the URL to the clipboard?

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ttscoff 10y, 341d ago

Just add ^ at the end of a query.

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Asier García Morato 10y, 341d ago


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Matt Connors 10y, 341d ago

Nice addition. I always like to see what's next for Searchlink. Hell of a useful project! In truth this latest addition is not one I'll probably use much because, as you pointed out, we don't all work the same.

I'll play some with it but will likely stick with my current method of using Searchlink to place inline references as I type, highlight all text when I've finished, and then use your "md - Links - To Reference" service to swap the whole document over to reference links placed at the end of the text; all shortcut enabled.

To each his own, right. Regardless, thanks for sharing again Brett.

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ttscoff 10y, 341d ago

I work very similarly these days, actually. I build the reference block with links I _know_ I'm going to need ahead of time, just so I have them as reference. Whenever I type a product name or anything that needs to be linked on the fly, I usually do it on the spot with an inline SearchLink result. The To References service works with the combination and respects the existing reference links, so I just consolidate when I'm done.

If I'm doing long lists of links, I generally use a TextExpander snippet to insert the [text](!xxx) syntax for each and then run SearchLink on the whole thing, but for links as I write, the inline format is ideal.

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Matt Connors 10y, 341d ago

On the reference list topic, how are the reference link numbers generated/ selected? Is there a way to force Searchlink or your services to number reference links beginning at 1 in each new document? I seem to end up with wacky reference numbers like: 9085-001

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ttscoff 10y, 341d ago

The 9085 is randomly generated to avoid conflicts with any other numbering systems. Just set prefix_random to false in ~/.searchlink and it will go away. Numbering only works when you run it on the whole document, too, as a Service has no way to know what else is there besides the text you have selected.

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ttscoff 10y, 341d ago

Note that if you turn random prefixing off and then run SearchLink a second time on a new block of text, it will start the numbering back at 1 and you'll have conflicting references.

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Matt Connors 10y, 341d ago

Understood. Thanks.

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