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Rick Martin 9y, 205d ago

I know pull quotes (right/left aligned) will never make it into a generic markdown processor, but I've often thought about working them into a fork for news publishing.

Given that you blog with markdown, how do you manage your pull quotes? (I noticed this article had a few) Do you just write them in HTML?

Great post, as always!

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ttscoff 9y, 199d ago

I have a Jekyll plugin that uses a liquid tag around the paragraph containing the pull quote, with the specific text to be quoted inside of {" "} markers. When it renders, it takes that text and applies it as an attribute to the paragraph tag, so that the pull quotes are generated without any additional markup. Entirely non-standard Markdown, but in a format that's easy to strip out with a regex if ever needed.

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Rick Martin 9y, 198d ago

Thanks man! That's pretty awesome, and a good starting point for me to explore further.

On an entirely unrelated note, I was pondering yesterday that I need to try combining your "Chrome tabs to reference links" and "Dropbox Link Collections". I'm always talking about links in a meeting, and a quick way to share afterwards would be amazing.

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ttscoff 9y, 197d ago

Just in case you missed it:

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Rick Martin 9y, 195d ago

That's incredibly cool. When I saw the post, I was like "f*ck yeah, that's gonna be awesome". And then I installed and tried it, customized some text a bit, and now I'm all super smiley [^O^].

[^O^]: Will try to figure out a way to tip, as Paypal tells me donations from here in Japan not supported. Anyway, huge thanks!

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Lee Joramo 9y, 204d ago

Rick, I have done things like pull quotes in the past with my own markdown hacks. I recently came upon a new blogging service I quite like called Blot has added layout syntax to its markdown.

Take a look at the rendered page

And the original text file

The developer is still actively working on the layout syntax. I have used a number of static rendering tools and blogs integrated with Dropbox in the past. Blot has a interesting balance of simplicity and depth of features that I have never seen before.

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maclm 9y, 180d ago

Out of curiosity, I've tried to visit, to see what you made out of, but I fall on a "Directory Index Denied" page.

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Scott 9y, 206d ago

Your point about tabs is completely invalid, since Markdown only has leading indentation. Clearly any other alignment you want to do (e.g. in code blocks) should be spaces.

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ttscoff 9y, 206d ago

The point is about consistency. If your leading indentation mixes spaces and tabs, it will make a difference.

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Scott 9y, 201d ago

Why would you mix tabs and spaces? I'm saying to use tabs only for leading indentation.

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jelder 9y, 206d ago

There are a number of formatting errors in the "Fenced code blocks" section.

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