I know pull quotes (right/left aligned) will never make it into a generic markdown processor, but I've often thought about working them into a fork for news publishing.
Given that you blog with markdown, how do you manage your pull quotes? (I noticed this article had a few) Do you just write them in HTML?
Great post, as always!
I have a Jekyll plugin that uses a liquid tag around the paragraph containing the pull quote, with the specific text to be quoted inside of {" "} markers. When it renders, it takes that text and applies it as an attribute to the paragraph tag, so that the pull quotes are generated without any additional markup. Entirely non-standard Markdown, but in a format that's easy to strip out with a regex if ever needed.
Thanks man! That's pretty awesome, and a good starting point for me to explore further.
On an entirely unrelated note, I was pondering yesterday that I need to try combining your "Chrome tabs to reference links" and "Dropbox Link Collections". I'm always talking about links in a meeting, and a quick way to share afterwards would be amazing.
Rick, I have done things like pull quotes in the past with my own markdown hacks. I recently came upon a new blogging service I quite like called http://blot.im/ Blot has added layout syntax to its markdown.
Take a look at the rendered page http://david.blot.im/custom...
And the original text file https://gist.github.com/dav...
The developer is still actively working on the layout syntax. I have used a number of static rendering tools and blogs integrated with Dropbox in the past. Blot has a interesting balance of simplicity and depth of features that I have never seen before.
Out of curiosity, I've tried to visit http://joramo.com, to see what you made out of Blot.im, but I fall on a "Directory Index Denied" page.