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andy 13y, 248d ago

Thanks for the share! I like the background wallpaper; where did you get it?

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Brett 13y, 248d ago

I wish I could remember, but it's been long enough since I found it that I've lost track.

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James E. 14y, 1d ago

Just getting into this whole Nerd Tool thing and would love to see how you did the Fuzzy Clock output and weather. I'm struggling to figure this out and would appreciate any tips.

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stephenallred 14y, 28d ago

Is it possible to enable anti–aliasing on the text in NerdTool? I've had a dig though the settings and couldn't find anything.

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ttscoff 14y, 25d ago

I don't think so.

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Lee Turner 14y, 28d ago

I would love to know how you get the weather text and icons on your desktop. Actually, listing the commands you use to achieve your desktop would be great.


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ttscoff 14y, 28d ago

I guess I'll have to make that a post :).

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Marwood 14y, 25d ago

This is another vote for instructions on how you do the weather text and icons. I'm currently working on the ImageMagick instructions you posted. Slowly :)

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Brett 14y, 25d ago

TUAW is going to let me post a full list of my GeekTool/NerdTool scripts. I'm working up the post right now and will link to it from here once I get it published. I'll include the set of weather icons I'm using, along with a ready-to-go Geeklet :).

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Scott Jangro 14y, 28d ago

Brett, what method do you use to keep files off your desktop? Do you have an app that sweeps stuff into folders? Or do you do it manually?

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Doc Rock 14y, 25d ago


I cannot speak for Brett directly but I can shed some insight on how to keep the desktop clean and uncluttered.


Launchbar is the world's awesomeest speed tool for launching applications, running applescripts, services, searching, clipboard history, clipboard merging, and a heck of a lot more.

Similar to Quicksilver but a lot more stable and IMO easier to use. I touch my dock about once or twice a month everything is launches through LB. Check out this episode of Mac Power Users "Launchbar Black Belt"


Hazel keeps all of my files nicely swept away into it's proper little corners. I use it's app rules as a way of looking for potential file mess and send them where they need to go before it gets all messy. Example I scan a pdf with my Scan Snap, It will pickup the file from its "scans" folder, set the label, move it to a DTS(date-time-stamp) folder/subfolder location and import it to iBooks transfer section of itunes. It will auto empty trash, Uninstall all traces of pesky apps upon deletion and much more. Check out this episode of Mac Power Users "Geeking out with Hazel"

I'm sure Brett will have even better suggestions for how to do this stuff especially with Geektool and Nerdtool, I only use Geektool but I hope this helps out somewhat. I'm still a Padawan to BT's Jedi Grand Master.

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ttscoff 14y, 28d ago

It's easy to use, but complicated to explain. I'll write about it this week.

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⠨⠞⠓⠕⠍⠁⠎ ⠨⠺⠪⠇⠅ 14y, 28d ago


+1 for a "how to"

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johnwin 14y, 28d ago


I would really love to see a 'how to' for your desktop screen set-up

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D Curtis 14y, 28d ago

I'd like to know what all the menubar icons are (some i recognize), the trick to your desktop icons, and the separator in your dock.

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D Curtis 14y, 28d ago

Actually I'm curious about apps in your dock too. Never know when there are other utilities you could be using.

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