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Wes Campaigne 12y, 174d ago

Python doesn't require any non-standard libraries to do this:

import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import sys

inputphrase =
terms = urllib.quote_plus(inputphrase.strip())
url = "" + terms
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
output = "[" + inputphrase + "](" + json.loads(data)["responseData"]["results"][0]["unescapedUrl"] + ")"
print output
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Lauri Ranta 12y, 175d ago

The url fields are percent-encoded twice, so %20 becomes %25%20. You should get the unescapedUrl instead.

I'm just using sed to "parse" the JSON in my urlalias script:

curl -s --get --data-urlencode q=example | sed 's/"unescapedUrl":"\([^"]*\).*/\1/;s/.*GwebSearch",//'

remark link
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Brett 12y, 175d ago

Good call on unescapedURL. I've updated the gists and Services.

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