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puzz 10y, 238d ago

My experience with Tower 2 so far has it as a significant downgrade over Tower 1. Perhaps most importantly, visual distinction/readability has been thrown out the window, and the new vertical organizational structure means text is getting truncated very quickly, resulting in a lot less information on screen than before. The whole interface feels cramped, which is pretty remarkable considering that an equally sized window in Tower 1 would display *more* information yet never once felt cramped.

There are lots of bugs, as well. Submodules are mishandled and not honoring their settings, external diff tool support is broken, the built-in diff tool is broken, and I'm sure much more that I haven't picked up on yet. Overall, very disappointing; Tower 1 was/is a fantastic client that certainly had room for improvement (or, really, just new features), the fact that they discarded that, reskinned with a significantly worse interface, and then added a few features on top and are now trying to charge paying customers again is pretty shitty.

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Tobias 10y, 234d ago

Disclaimer: I'm part of the team behind Tower.

I'm sorry to read we haven't met your taste with version 2. However, we've received countless great feedback from people who love the new version.

Also, we haven't heard from other users about the problems you're listing, here. We're happy to work this out with you if you get in touch with us via support[at]git-tower[dot]com.

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Arran Cudbard-Bell 10y, 193d ago

I'm sorry, but are those people friends/family who don't wish to offend? I absolutely hate Tower 2, I agree 100% with @puzz, the layout and contrast (lack of) of the new diff interface make it pretty much unusable.

I tried Tower 2 for a day, then gave up and went back to Tower 1... It's a shame you couldn't of kept the original interface (which was excellent), and just added the new features.

Looks like @mudx:disqus thinks pretty much the same, just he's being nicer about it.

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Arran Cudbard-Bell 10y, 193d ago

It's also interesting none of that glowing positive feedback has appeared in this thread. The three people who have made comments relative to Tower 2, have all voiced their displeasure at the new interface.

This is one of the top links on Google for "Tower 2 git review", so you'd expect at least some praise...

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mudx 10y, 225d ago

I'm taking another look at Tower 2 right now, and love a lot of the new features / updates. If only the 3rd pane could optionally be under the 2nd pane it'd fit my workflow a lot nicer. Right now it's really meant more to be a full-screen app... using it in full-screen mode it's pretty awesome, but just goes against my nature.

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mudx 10y, 225d ago

Do you think there might be an option to have the original theme in the new version at some point? I loved the vertical layout of the original version. It would be awesome to have a "classic" theme option, and that doesn't have to be exactly the same, mainly the horizontal interface is frustrating for my personal workflow.

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puzz 10y, 227d ago

I did get into contact with support, actually. I received no response.

It's funny you say "no one else is experiencing them." Does that mean I just invented these issues? Putting your head in the sand isn't going to make the issues go away. They *do* exist, and, in fact, everything I've listed above happens on both the computers I've tested on.

I really hate the line "we've received countless great feedback." It's such a cop-out, and a way of showing users that you really don't care what you think. It's like, you are basically saying I am wrong that I think there are problems with it.

In any case, if you really need, I can make a screencast of every issue I've outlined above, but it seems pretty clear you guys don't actually care. I'd submitted feedback for Tower 1, too, and that was also ignored (pull requests, come on guys, they are standard in every other client and in every basic git workflow), so it seems pretty clear what kind of team this is.

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Denis 10y, 238d ago

I've used SourceTree and I prefer Tower now that I've discovered it. Absolutely great tutorial on Git for beginners. Thanks Brett!

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Steven Fisher 10y, 241d ago

I'll give it a try. I've been (mostly) happy with SourceTree, primarily for how close they feel to 1:1 with git itself, but their quality control* leaves something to be desired.

[*]-Some updates crash. A lot. Then there's a few good updates, then there's more crashing.

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