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Niklas Bölter 10y, 70d ago

This does not work correctly on systems where the decimal separator is not a "." since bc does not respect LC_NUMERIC, leading to lots of “-bash: printf: xxx.xx: invalid number” error messages.
I hacked it by adding export LC_ALL=C to __sizeup_humanize()

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Niklas Bölter 10y, 69d ago

I'm using awk now which properly supports locales:

__sizeup_humanize () {
local size=$1
if [ $size -ge 1073741824 ]; then
echo $size | awk '{printf "%6.2fG \n", $1/1073741824}'
elif [ $size -ge 1048576 ]; then
echo $size | awk '{printf "%6.2fM \n", $1/1048576}'
elif [ $size -ge 1024 ]; then
echo $size | awk '{printf "%6.2fK \n", $1/1024}'
printf '%6.2f%s' ${size} b

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Bernd Goldschmidt 10y, 71d ago

I get error messages for every file over 1k:

-bash: printf: 24.96: invalid number2 (26175832)

on OS X Yosemite.

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chrismetcalf 10y, 74d ago

Anybody get this working with ZSH?

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ttscoff 10y, 74d ago

Wish I was more adept with zsh, but if anybody does have a version that works, let me know and I'll append.

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Matt Shelton 10y, 73d ago

Works as-is. I did this:

1. Saved as ~/bin/sizeup.bash
2. Added 'source /Users/myusernamehere/bin/sizeup.bash' to my ~/.zshrc

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jth 10y, 74d ago

I had a few problems running this in Cygwin, which no one should need to do, and I went and did something. It's not pretty, but it works for me in Cygwin (haven't tested in another terminal yet). I tried to get a one-liner to redefine $size if OS is win or /usr/bin/cygdrive exists, which both indicate bash in Cygwin, but it wouldn't take and I kept getting errors "stat: cannot read file system information for ‘%z’: No such file or directory" for the original $size command.

...shift $((OPTIND-1))

[ ! -x "/usr/bin/bc" ] && echo -e "You need bc installed for the sizing your ups." && return # because you do and I didn't

#local cmd="find . -type f ${depth}$(__sizeup_build_query $@)" # returned error "find: warning: you have specified the -maxdepth option after a non-option argument -type, but options are not positional (-maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it). Please specify options before other arguments."
local cmd="find . ${depth} -type f $(__sizeup_build_query $@)"
local counter=0
while read -r file; do
counter=$(( $counter+1 ))
if [[ $OS == Windows_NT ]]; then size=$(stat -c '%s' "$file"); # for cygwin
else size=$(stat -f '%z' "$file"); fi # for not cygwin
totalb=$(( $totalb+$size ))...
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