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unverified 4y, 207d ago

md - Convert - MultiMarkdown to RTF throws an error Automator encountered an error running this workflow: "Couldn't communicate with helper application." everything is installed correctly, running 10.13.6 Rebuilt it from scratch still the same error... Thanks

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unverified 4y, 202d ago

I'm having the exact same error as the user above. Running MacOs 10.14.6. Would love, love, love to figure this out so I could write markdown in


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Bad Uncle Leo 12y, 11d ago

All you whizkids already know this, but those who do not:

If you install from MacPorts, you'll have to do a symlink to the MultiMarkDown binary:

sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/multimarkdown /usr/local/bin/multimarkdown

After that, instead of spinning it should work. Instantly. To Brett & Tobia: Wow.

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Lauri Ranta 12y, 11d ago

> @be_seeing_you @ttscoff Throw stuff in clipboard to get RTF out. Using an apple dev incident to figure out the encoding bug you see in test

Was it that you didn't specify an encoding for textutil? It jumbled up non-ASCII characters unless I added -inputencoding UTF-8:

textutil -inputencoding UTF-8 -format html -convert rtf -stdin -stdout <<< "<style>$(cat /Applications/ <<< '# aäあ')" | LC_ALL=UTF-8 pbcopy

pbcopy also uses ASCII if LC_CTYPE is C (or unset).

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