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unverified 4y, 88d ago

I’m substituting Day One for The Archive + BitBar. A similar solution would provably work with nvUltra, I guess -

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José 11y, 14d ago

Please post all Day One hacks and tricks you can come up with! Thanks!

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HelgeG 11y, 20d ago

I've been trying different strategies to capture what I do at work, but none have stuck. So far the Day One reminders trick seems to work. Thanks a bunch for posting this.

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Matthias Faller 11y, 21d ago

Any thoughts of Day One not encrypting the data at all?

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craig eley 11y, 22d ago

I would be interested to see/hear more about your growl/launchd setup...!

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Arnau 11y, 23d ago

Have you tried pomodoro technique? There is an applicaction in the app store called pomodoro that creates a log, then you already have the log of all daily tasks.

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Matt McElhannon 11y, 24d ago

I'll see your forehead smack and raise you a swift kick in the rear! I have been trying to use Day One to aid in breaking my procrastination habit by keeping a log, and your hourly pop-up window/#wwid tip was just what I needed to help me out I think. Thanks for all your work!

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Caylan Van Larson 11y, 24d ago

Re: KeyRemap4MacBook, which vi Change Key set do you use? The ones I've tried that use "sd" introduce serious mouse lag. I found that FN+hjkl works fine, though.

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ttscoff 11y, 24d ago

These are all my settings:

Haven't experienced the mouse lag you're talking about...

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Caylan Van Larson 11y, 24d ago

Huh, as soon as I turn on "Simultaneous Key Presses" my cursor lags about 100ms. Too bad. This would have been very useful.

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Eric Csongradi 11y, 24d ago

It really bums me out that Day One doesn't offer a trial. It looks great, but I'm hesitant to buy any app before I can test drive it. BTW, thanks a ton for nvALT.

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Frank Meeuwsen 11y, 24d ago

That's weird. My Day One has a default shortcut for Edit Current Entry set at ⌘E. I never changed anything in System Preferences, it's just there.

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ttscoff 11y, 24d ago

Yep, you're right. I had overwritten ⌘E with a system wide "Export" shortcut. Correction coming.

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ttscoff 11y, 24d ago

Really? Mine most definitely didn't. I wonder if I overrode it with something else...

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