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Jack 10y, 300d ago

Was just thinking about doing one of these, so thanks! How about a version that pops up a dialog box with the sum instead of appending?

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ttscoff 10y, 300d ago

It would be pretty easy to edit the automator action and just have it not replace selected text but pass the result to a new action to show it in a dialog. But that's why I made the PopClip extension (shows result) puts it in clipboard:

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Piotrek Wilczyński 10y, 343d ago

Some time ago I made attempt at spreadsheets in mmd tables and this post reminded me of it: I got carried away and overcomplicated things but the idea is cool, little bit insane, but cool.

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umerez 10y, 343d ago

Love it. I just made a quick markdown table, two columns for groceries and prices, selected the whole table and the service gave me the total sum, which I then pasted into the last cell of the table. Just wonderful, this is going to be so helpful for me. Thanks.

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Michael Xander 10y, 343d ago

Nice, that‘s pretty handy! So far I used, which is awesome for advanced calculations. I would love to see something like this build in nvALT though.

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Juha Ranta 10y, 343d ago

I'm also currently testing Calca. It's a bit like Soulver, but the calculations are done in a Markdown/text document. It's nice! However, I wish it'd add a possibility to do summations similar to what Brett described.

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Guest 10y, 344d ago

Could this service be altered to work with number systems e.g. used in Europe, where a comma is used as the decimal point? Unfortunately I struggle with Ruby...

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ttscoff 10y, 344d ago

There will be a new version up shortly that allows you to define the separator and decimal delimiter at the top of the script inside the workflow. I tried to make it automatically determine these based on locale, but couldn't get that to work in standard Ruby.

The new version should be up in about 10 minutes.

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PDXIII 10y, 344d ago

That’s pretty useful! Thanx Brett!

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