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jessicaking07 3y, 142d ago

Thanks for sharing, your article was very useful and interesting to read! Can I buy blog posts from you and use the information in my university task?

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Bobo Wieland 14y, 65d ago

Thank you Brett for this post. I've been hacking away directly in the quicktags.js-file up until now. A bit tedious work to redo with each WP-update.

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nurgle 14y, 106d ago

Nice clean way of doing this!, Question for you, is it possible to run 2 quicktag files somehow. I want to use a specific one for each of my blogs, but also maintain an outside one with buttons applicable to all of my blogs that is in a central location?

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btadmin 14y, 106d ago

Sure. You could use conditional statements in the PHP to determine which base quicktags file loads, and then add additional functionality by using enqueue_script() to add modular versions. Sounds good in theory, anyway.

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nurgle 14y, 106d ago

Thanks Brett will give it a whirl

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