I really like just long static HTML pages, like the HTML version of the Bash man page. My (book-length) website is built with this shell script:
template="<!doctype html>
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">
$(sed 's/&/&/g;s/</</g;s/>/>/g' ~/Code/site/site.css)</style>"
for f in ~/Pages/*.txt; do
echo "$template
<title>$(head -n1 $f | sed 's/^# //')</title>
$(/usr/local/bin/pandoc --strict -p $f)" > ~/Sites/me/${base%txt}html
If your website was just a single long Markdown document, it could be built with one Pandoc command:
pandoc index.md --template template.html -c style.css --toc -o index.html
I really like just long static HTML pages, like the HTML version of the Bash man page. My (book-length) website is built with this shell script:
template="<!doctype html>
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">
$(sed 's/&/&/g;s/</</g;s/>/>/g' ~/Code/site/site.css)</style>"
for f in ~/Pages/*.txt; do
echo "$template
<title>$(head -n1 $f | sed 's/^# //')</title>
$(/usr/local/bin/pandoc --strict -p $f)" > ~/Sites/me/${base%txt}html
If your website was just a single long Markdown document, it could be built with one Pandoc command:
pandoc index.md --template template.html -c style.css --toc -o index.html
Actually, if you wanted to go all-out with the bells and whistles, have you tried Web Book Boilerplate? Takes your chapters in Markdown and outputs HTML, mobi and epub formats (or pretty much anything that Pandoc supports, I think) all styled with your SASS or CSS, I had a quick play with it and got it up and running in no time. Which means it's idiot-proof.