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Bastian Gruber 12y, 280d ago

How can i handle different python versions in CodeRunner?

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coderunner fan 12y, 364d ago

Actually, I have been using it for python2.7 and python3 testing while walking through the head first book and doing some scripting and had found no crashes. I am on LION and just bought it last week.

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Tom Anderson 13y, 77d ago

I purchased CodeRunner this but have had lots of crashes when writing and running Perl code. I waited for an update, and now have version 1.2, but have the same problem. I would not recommend it for Perl, and from the reviews it looks like Python has the same problem. I won't be testing it again until the next version. I have lost work too many times! It is a great idea, but the implementation is lacking, at least for Perl.

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Carl 13y, 143d ago

Wow, CodeRunner looks interesting. Too bad the homepage is so bare; it's hard to tell what capabilities it has. How well does it handle multiple files? Do they just open as new windows, and that's all? Is there any option to turn on support for viewing the invisible characters? When previewing Python, does the syntax highlighter handle """ correctly? (Surprisingly, many text editors fail at that.)

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jdbartlett 13y, 143d ago

CodeRunner will definitely come in handy for testing short functions and prototyping -- thanks for the tip!

Does Patterns support slash-delimited patterns and modifiers? e.g., "/hello/i" instead of "hello" with the "Ignore Case" box checked?

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