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David 12y, 216d ago

Does anyone know how to get terminal-notifier or notifyutil to add an image to the notification? In growlnotify the option --image existed that allowed a jpg to be presented as the notification icon. Is there any way to get this functionality using the OSX system notification center? Right now when growlnotify is exchanged with this script (as you can see in the script above that --image is disabled) the icon is the terminal icon and I would like to change this.


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neilio 12y, 229d ago

I forgot to say thanks for the script (and everything else you do) - it works perfectly.

Oh, and Social Logger? SO hot. I've been hoping that the iOS app Momento (which is great, but iPhone-only) to go desktop, but this looks like it covers everything I need. Looking forward to trying it out.

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neilio 12y, 229d ago

Not sure if you saw this, but the new command line command notifyutil does what growl notify does, but for Notification Center. I've started porting over all of my scripts to use that.

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Brett 12y, 229d ago

Yep, and you could replace the gem with %x{notifyutil… if you wanted to remove the dependencies. This script is basically so I don't have to port all my old scripts. I just run this and everything works.

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Elliot 12y, 230d ago

f*ing cache. Now I look silly answering a question that was already answered :)

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TJ Luoma 12y, 230d ago

when I tried gem install growl-notify I was told "ERROR: could not find gem growl-notify locally or in a repository".

I don't use gems all that often, is there some sort of initialization that I might have missed?

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Elliot 12y, 230d ago

hey TJ,

it was supposed to be "gem install terminal-notifier" Just confirmed with Brett on Twitter.

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Brett 12y, 230d ago

Very sorry, I keep doing that. Should be terminal-notifier.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!