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dorian_grey 13y, 93d ago

I'd love to see a dedicated blog post on how you are using Default Folder X.

Got it through the bundle and somehow liking it, yet I have the feeling I do not use its full potential. I never considered the 'save as' dialoge as real problem and I'm still looking for that "WOW" moment many people seem to have experienced with DFX. Read some articles and posts on the matter, but those were only outlining the features I already knew, not how the app filled a certain gap or need in their workflow.

Your input as workflow guru would be very interesting!

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George Entenman 13y, 94d ago

Where does Tags store the tags?

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Brett 13y, 94d ago

Tags are attached as metadata (kOMUserTags) on the files themselves and follow the files between compatible filesystems (including Dropbox). The backups are stored in ~/Library/Caches.

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