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Nick 11y, 337d ago

If "nvt search_term" bounces to other Alfred searches, make sure 1) your search scope is updated (it's preset to "/Dropbox/nvAlt2.2" or similar, and 2) make sure spotlight searches are working for your nvAlt files, which won't be the case if you are using the default "Notational Data" folder in "~/Library/Application Support".

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Chris L 12y, 2d ago

Two questions: is this something that could, theoretically, be done with LaunchBar? Also, will nvALT get tag searches at some point (unless I am missing that), something like typing #xxx in the search box to get notes with the tag xxx?

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ttscoff 12y, 2d ago

1) no
2) no

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Chris L 11y, 360d ago

Never mind. Some explanation would be nice since I don't see the point of tags when they can't be used as filters without colliding with search results using the same term as normal, non-tag words nor how Open Meta solves the problem when that metadata is so easily lost...but "no" is non-productive and clearly you aren't interested in discussion.

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ttscoff 11y, 360d ago

I've had this discussion too many times. nvALT's tags are Notational Velocity's tags, and they aren't separated in the full text search. Without a rewrite of the entire tagging system, it's technically a pointless feature. Unpaid development pretty much ensures that there's not going to be any improvements to this.

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P. Korm 12y, 2d ago

Nice workflow. Thanks! Selecting a document from Alfred's search results pops the file name into nvALT's search box with its ".txt" extension, so nvALT doesn't find it until I backspace to erase ".txt". Maybe a regex tweak would eliminate extensions?

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P. Korm 12y, 2d ago

Solved it. Changed this line in the Ruby script

filename = File.basename("{query}",".md")


filename = File.basename("{query}",".txt")

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ttscoff 12y, 2d ago

Fixed to handle any extension in 1.2.

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ttscoff 12y, 2d ago

yep! Sorry, I should make that more universal. Forgot it was md-specific.

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HelgeG 12y, 2d ago

Hmm. Typing the `nvt` keyword apparently triggers the action, but when I start typing an argument, Alfred switches to "Search google for nvt [the tag I typed]". I guess there is a pilot error going on here, but I cannot figure out where I am going wrong.

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ttscoff 12y, 2d ago

I can't figure out what was meant by that. Have you opened the action and double clicked the file filter input to set your search scope to your nvALT folder and made sure the filetype matched your note files? You can just drag a note file from the disk to the File Types table to add it.

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HelgeG 12y, 12h ago

Like I suspected, it was pilot error. I write in markdown, but the files are saved with the txt extension. I was thus getting no matches, and Alfred switched to offering a generic search instead. With correct type matching things worked as expected. Thanks for your help.

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ttscoff 12y, 2d ago

I was told that the file filter needs to be replaced with keyword or something like that. That hasn't been necessary for me, but I'll try that and see if it works better. If it does, I'll post a new copy.

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Piotrek Wilczyński 12y, 3d ago

Mm, Hi.
During the beta I created workflow that allows not only searching for tagged files but also to tag any file from Alfred. Maybe someone will be interested:

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Jeff 11y, 357d ago

how can I install these files?

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Piotrek Wilczyński 11y, 356d ago

Just download Tags.alfrdworkflow and double click it.

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Jeff 11y, 334d ago

I did that. But, I couldn't get it work (a bit confusing). I searched my file, say "MyFile" in alfred--> and get it--> select it--> action menu-->Select files to tag--> Alfred opens blank. I don't get it

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Piotrek Wilczyński 11y, 334d ago

Blank as in nothing is typed in Alfred or blank as in file is not selected?

Could you respond by creating issue in my repo at github

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Jeff 11y, 334d ago

(the above link doesn't work too)

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Jeff 11y, 334d ago

as if no file is selected

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Piotrek Wilczyński 11y, 334d ago
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Jeff 11y, 333d ago

I got it work finally (a little bit explicitness about the openmeta dependency would be helpful for others.)

thanks for the great workflow anyways

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Guest 11y, 334d ago

I got it work finally (a little bit explicitness about the openmeta dependency would be helpful for others.)

thanks for the great workflow anyways

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ttscoff 12y, 3d ago

Hey, awesome. Will test it out!

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