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Brendhan P Givens 11y, 253d ago

Do you use Found anymore? I remember you mentioning them.

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Pierre Bernard 11y, 256d ago

The reasons HoudahSpot can't create Finder searches:

1. HoudahSpot has features the Finder does not have. E.g excluding folders from the search. Just skipping those would create a Finder search that produces results different from the original HoudahSpot search.

2. The Finder stores the Spotlight query and the graphical representation of the search separately. It would not be reasonable for HoudahSpot to try to keep up with Finder / OS changes to the data format of the UI representation. Creating a Finder search from just the Spotlight query would make the search "read-only"

Pierre Bernard
Houdah Software s.à r.l.

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ttscoff 11y, 256d ago

Fair enough, thanks for chiming in on a sideways support request :).

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