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unverified 5y, 314d ago

I thought this would be handy so I gave it a try. I can't get it to work at all with the RemoteForward line in ~/.ssh/config. If I use "-R2224:localhost:2224" on the command line it works on Debian and Ubuntu, but not on RedHat.

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Daniel 11y, 27d ago

Thanks for forwarding Seans great tip.

A few of questions though:

1. Do you really need the `-c`-flag (or the `-q1` in Seans version). To me it seems like it works without it? I've seen `-q1` used with UDP, but this is through TCP, insn't it? And according to my man page on OSX `nc`, `-c` means "Send CRLF as line-ending".
2. What benefit is there to piping through `cat`? My `nc` seems to handle stdin just lik cat. What am I missing?
3. Why do you set a variable based on `[ -n $SSH_CLIENT]` rather than using that directly in the `if`-statement?

Please note that I'm just curious, not trying to be a smart ass. There is a lot of things I don't know about shell scripts, so I'm asking to learn.

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ttscoff 11y, 27d ago

If you don't use -c, the script will just hang waiting for more input.

cat allows you to take STDIN input in a shell script.

I have a reusable snippet for setting the SSH_CLIENT variable that I use in scripts that have more logic. It's just easier.

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Daniel 11y, 27d ago

Using -c on Mavericks only gives me a CRLF last in the output (Seen as ^M in VIM). Are we using different versions of nc?

And I see no difference in behavior of the script if I remove "cat |" from it.

I ended up with this line in .bashrc:

[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] && alias pbcopy="nc localhost 2224"

Works so far, but I guess there is some scenario when it'll come back and bite me.

Anyway, thanks again for a great tip!

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ttscoff 11y, 27d ago

Also, your script is using alias instead of actually piping to the script. It works, just a different strategy. Thus you don't need cat.

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Daniel 11y, 27d ago

Yes I ended up using only an alias, but I tested it in the script first, with and without cat. Thus I still don't know why you need cat. (Not saying you don't, just that I haven't seen why yet.)

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ttscoff 11y, 27d ago

It's quite possible that I've installed a version of netcat from brew. If I `cat testfile.txt | nc localhost 2224` it just sits there and waits for a ^d. -c fixes that.

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Daniel 11y, 27d ago

That works for me, so most likely we have different versions. My nc sits in /usr/bin so I'm quite sure I haven't installed it myself.

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