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Fletcher 13y, 180d ago

The soon-to-be-released MultiMarkdown Composer actually does something just like this as you type. It highlights reference links that actually point to something, but not those that are just brackets without a definition. As of now, it doesn't specifically highlight the "failed" links in red, just the "working" links. But that could potentially be a feature down the road.

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Frank Eves 13y, 187d ago

Unsurprisingly, Brett is adding functionality to the Marked app that this mere mortal wasn't even clever enough to have dreamt about. Marked is quickly becoming 'The Productivity Add-on' that every text editor needs. An ever growing number of people are discovering or re-discovering Markdown's remarkable potential and Marked is helping them do more than they first thought possible. Thanks Brett and get some sleep. :-)

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Doug 13y, 187d ago

Looking forward to version 1.3. Need any users for 1.3 beta testing?

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yancy 13y, 187d ago

I'm pretty excited for this!

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Joshua Kehn 13y, 187d ago

That sounds amazing. I really like those ideas.

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Mathew 13y, 187d ago

Wow, this is great news regarding all the enhancements to 1.3. When this is done are you going on to solve the Middle East crisis? Seriously, Marked at 1.3 will probably be the "perfect" markdown support app for me.

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