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btadmin 14y, 147d ago

Here's the thing. I've realized that a lot of us go overboard with collecting web data. We clip it to Evernote, we save it to DEVONthink, we index and tag and build huge collections. But Google has already done this! Over the last year I've tracked the times that I've needed to reference this collection of mine, and 9 out of 10 times, it's been faster just to Google it. I do let Google store my search history, which makes my results extremely accurate when searching for things I've seen before. My new mantra: collect less, trust Google. The 1 out of 10 times my collection has something Google doesn't, it's usually out-of-date info that's no longer relevant.

This is all part of a post I'm working on detailing how I'm actually making data collection useful for myself, and saving time to boot. It's about using the right application for the right kind of data, and only collecting data that is going to be immediately useful. I'll try to get that post wrapped up soon!

For the record, I've got my bookmarking setup scripted so that I can just bookmark via Delibar from any app, and then the tags I use determine what happens in the background (a launchd process watches the delibar.xml file for changes). If I tag with 'evernote', a PDF of the page gets captured to Evernote. If I tag 'historious', the bookmark and tags are mirrored to historious with a curl call to the API. All bookmarks are saved as local webloc files and tagged with so that they show up in my Spotlight searches. It's a bit complex, and quite redundant, so I'm forcing myself to make some decisions :).

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Stavros 14y, 147d ago

Thank you very much for your article, we're glad you like the service! If you have any suggestions, we'd be glad to hear them. Also, we'd like to give you a free month of service (just email us to redeem it whenever you like)!

Thanks again!
Team historious

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Donald Jenkins 14y, 147d ago

Very interesting post once again, Brett. But surely the difference with HistoryHound, unless I've missed something, is that with HistoryHound you don't have to bookmark anything: HistoryHound just brainlessly archives and indexes everything you visit, precisely so that on that day ages later when you suddenly realise something you vaguely remember reading about somewhere on the web, on one of your browsers, may have been more interesting than you had thought at the time... and without HistoryHound you would have no way of finding it again. HistoryHound, which I discovered thanks to you, has saved things for me a number of times... sounds interesting, but unless I've misunderstood, doesn't quite do the same thing.

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btadmin 14y, 147d ago

You are correct, they serve different purposes, ultimately. Historious could extend my search abilities beyond simple tagging, which may or may not serve the intended purpose once the site is out of my memory. I don't always come up with the best tags... having a backup full-text search is perfect.

I actually view it as an addition to HistoryHound: whereas HH indexes everywhere I surf, Historious can store a full-text record of just the things I would normally bookmark and archive foreverandever. Short-term, HH provides amazing recall, long-term, Historious indexes things you personally determine are significant (and offloads quite a bit of CPU time :).

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Donald Jenkins 14y, 147d ago

Right: I think that puts it quite neatly. It's an interesting addition to the world of bookmarking.

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