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Is it too late?
Now I play the waiting game.
Thanks for giving this away.
Oh boy!
Looking for a goodreads alternative. Thanks, Brett!
Nice...please sign me up
I deserve this...
Free is good.
I dig the idea. Count me in!
Sounds good!
I keep my reading lists in Omnifocus which is a little bit clumsy. Would love to try this.
I want this!
Appreciate all the great work you do.
I read ALOT...this sounds intriguing. Thanks!
Would be great to win. Have been looking around for options for this.
Loves me some reading
I currently use OmniOutliner for this, but a dedicated app would be most useful. Count me in.
Sign me up please
Sounds like a great thing to try.
Sign me up :) Looks like a great app.
Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend!
Already using OmniOutliner and TaskPaper to track books. Might as well add a third way.
This app sounds like its streets ahead.
Would be a great way to keep track of what I am reading or have read.
Looks interesting. I read a lot so this would be really handy to organise my books etc.
Would love to try it!
I've been tracking the books I read with GoodReads, but I'd love to try an alternative.
Hi Bread, I'm looking for a book tracking app since a few weeks. So great giveaway from you! Kindly greetings from Germany.
This would be great.
I could really use this!
a way to keep track of my books with an app would be fantastic.
Please, count me in - looks like a really nice way to track my readings.
I have an Evernote note as well. This would be way easier!!
I've been using a note on evernote, but this would be pretty cool to try.