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Mark 13y, 179d ago

Love Listary. It's really changed my game. No friction. It got me to get back on the GTD horse again. Beautiful in its simplicity.

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Pascal 13y, 179d ago

It seems too basic to me. And I fear for them that the "Reminders" application coming in iOS 5 will cover the low-end spectrum of the "to do" applications....

I had a look at TaskPaper : it seems great. The only thing I would miss is the multi-level projects. But the idea of a MarkDown-like syntax for tasks is wonderful ! Brett, why not a "TaskPaper" view in nvAlt for notes which happen to be in TaskPaper format ?

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Michael Schechter 13y, 179d ago

I've been using it for a while now and it is mostly great. Especially for the grocery lists that my wife loves to text me. Just wish they would make it so someone could send you a list or easier yet, you could copy and paste several things at once with line breaks and have it format out into a list. Currently I have to go into simplenote, paste in my wife's text and then open Listary.

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Paulo Zoom 13y, 179d ago

Michael, that's ready for the next version, which is coming out in a few weeks.

It'll be even better for shared grocery lists, you'll see :)

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Michael Schechter 13y, 179d ago

Nice! Can't tell you how easy you guys have made it to reorder my wife's non-sensical disordered lists... I mean seriously, who puts produce at the beginning and the end of a text? :)

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