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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

Bill Moore 11y, 63d ago

Question?: If we have already "supported" via Paypal are we all set or do we need to cancel and change over to the new tool? Love the podcast, website, tools etc..

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ttscoff 11y, 63d ago

You're fully set and PayPal is still fully accepted. PayPal doesn't let me create a mailing/member list easily, though, so if I get around to offering any additional content/services, I may have to ask PayPal subscribers to sign up through MailChimp or something. All good for now, though.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

Fabrizio Lodi 11y, 64d ago

As promised, subscribed!

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!