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unverified 4y, 307d ago

:) There's another easier way to embed a video to jekyll blog as below:

jekyll-spaceship - 🚀 A Jekyll plugin to provide powerful supports for table, mathjax, plantuml, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, etc.

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Andrew Clark 12y, 35d ago

To make this ratio-agnostic, don't specify 56.25% in your CSS. In the render method of your Liquid Tag, calculate the appropriate `padding-top` value by dividing width by height and place it in an inline style attribute. Works great, and you don't have to resort to icky JavaScript.

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ttscoff 12y, 35d ago

Good idea, I'll look into that.

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Andrew Clark 12y, 35d ago

BTW thanks for the tip, I wouldn't have figured this out if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction. It's not all that complicated. I wrote it up here:

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die_krabbe 12y, 48d ago

I didn't get, if you are using just Jekyll or Octopress on top of it. 
In any case, Octopress makes all youtube videos you embed via iframe responsive.

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Patrick Welker 12y, 58d ago

I'm so glad you started blogging about Jekyll, there is so much to learn for me on that topic.

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Peter 12y, 59d ago

This is just to let you know that I'm *especially* enjoying your Jekyll related posts and that I'm looking forward to many more !

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Larry Hynes 12y, 59d ago

This comment was written from behind the wheel of a flying fire-truck! Having switched my own site to Jekyll I'm enjoying your updates. You know, in case you thought we weren't listening. :-)

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ttscoff 12y, 59d ago

Hey, if it helps one person, I'm happy :).

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