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philip mozolak 11y, 62d ago

It just worked awesome on folder with mix of files and folders..however i went into a folder with 5 .md files and the workflow errored...

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ttscoff 11y, 62d ago

Do you mean you selected a folder, or went into it and selected 5 files?

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philip mozolak 11y, 62d ago

NIX it - its not throwing error now.. I wonder if possibly the first service call was not yet finished.

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philip mozolak 11y, 62d ago

The later "went into it and selected 5 files"

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Phil 11y, 63d ago

Unfortunately I get an error "The action "Run Shell Script" encountered an error. Installed per your instructions. Your other services run flawlessly. Any suggestions?

MacMini 2.7 GHz i7, 16GB, OSX 10.9.1, SSD+HD

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ttscoff 11y, 63d ago

There was an error in 1.0 that caused that message, have you donwloaded 1.2 above?

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Phil 11y, 62d ago

I was running 1.2, but I downloaded it again and re-installed. I still get the error when selecting a folder. If I select a group of files the is created, but it is empty. I must be doing something wrong.

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ttscoff 11y, 62d ago

Ok, it's a new bug that I introduced with the 1.2 changes. I just fixed it and tested on single and multiple folders, folders with subfolders and multiple files. Should be good. 1.3 will be up in about 10 minutes.

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Phil 11y, 62d ago

Thanks! I'm anxious to give this a try -- a welcome addition to your awesome suite of services (and apps). nVALT, Marked, and the various services have become completely embedded in my daily workflow. Thanks for all your work.

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Stuart Hertzog 11y, 63d ago

When I double-click the .zip file it creates a .workflow file that when double-clicked, doesn't install a Service but opens Automator. (OS X 10.9.1)

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ttscoff 11y, 63d ago

Interesting. When it opens in Automator it doesn't have a popup that asks if you want to install it, either?

If it doesn't, you can just move the .workflow file into ~/Library/Services manually.

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