Unfortunately I get an error "The action "Run Shell Script" encountered an error. Installed per your instructions. Your other services run flawlessly. Any suggestions?
I was running 1.2, but I downloaded it again and re-installed. I still get the error when selecting a folder. If I select a group of files the index.md is created, but it is empty. I must be doing something wrong.
Ok, it's a new bug that I introduced with the 1.2 changes. I just fixed it and tested on single and multiple folders, folders with subfolders and multiple files. Should be good. 1.3 will be up in about 10 minutes.
Thanks! I'm anxious to give this a try -- a welcome addition to your awesome suite of services (and apps). nVALT, Marked, and the various services have become completely embedded in my daily workflow. Thanks for all your work.