Your product is free. So how am I or my users not the product? What do you hope to gain from this?
Internet credits and maybe build a team to build more things and give those things away for free too!
Mostly I'm giving it away because I can and nobody is going to stop me.
I'm looking for Python engineers who want to hack on features or change behaviour for their own sites and want to contribute to the cause. Planning to grow Remarkbox as big as possible and eventually allow it to become a "utility".
It's a most noble endeavour, though has this not been attempted before by the likes of dissenter?
What are the plans going forward to keep this operational once it becomes prominent and faces the challenge of cloud and transit provider exile?
I will have to deplatform any site which does not follow the terms of service. That said, If I believe in their cause, I might try to help them find an alternative place to run Remarkbox and we would export them out of Remarkbox proper. (I'm sure you have ideas). If you want to discuss this further we might want to take this "offline".
The amount of censorship, shadow banning, and hidden comments on Hackernews is absurd. It's amazing that for all the talk about getting rid of censorship, the power of big tech, etc on this site, no one is discussing how hackernews exemplifies the worst examples.
I'm not going to inflame the situation because I really love HackerNews but my post was sent to the 2nd page while their mods tried to figure out what to do about me.
They renamed my title and then the post had to fight its way back to the top.
That said I'm grateful for the chance to have found you! Cheers mate!
I love hackernews as well. the commentary, things like this (disqus is shit), random unexpected posts. it's great - the hamfisted moderation is my only criticism of it. contrary to the common refrain, i think hackernews is great in spite of its moderation, not because of it. good luck with those junipers.
Yeah those junipers grow tall, I've no idea where to grow them yet. Maybe some guerilla gardening in my future, lol!
I agree that it's moderated more than it needs to be and also bias'd toward AWS (erm Amazon) over Google, for example the popularity of the Beso exit letter to employees.
I'm sure eventually we will have a "Hacker News" for Googlers where only Amazon is smeared in public. The Internet is fracturing more into silos.
I'm just going to join both when it happens, diversity of thought and all that.
What was the original title? I mean the title they renamed:
They renamed my title and then the post had to fight its way back to the top.
How to change my username?
Why don't you sell to the professional bloggers
market? A good fraction of them seem to love comment sections underneath their blogs haha.
Sorry I fail to understand why you haven't monetized it yet and you've been running this for 5 years.
Because I learned early on that there isn't any money in that and I have better ideas in the works for targeting that market, for example:
And I can give away Remarkbox for free because I have money and I know how to scale stuff for cheap.
I love the "pay what you can" pricing model and I hope it works out for you financially. I was looking for a solution for my blog that wouldn't break the bank (I have 10 visitors monthly) but also wouldn't require me to support ad agencies and tracking companies. If I decide I want comments on my blog again, you'll be my solution.
Just wanted to stop in with a positive comment to say “thank you” for both building this, and providing it essentially free. I’ve been looking for something just like this to power comments on my own blog (super low traffic), but I have ethical concerns about using Disqus for exactly the reasons you brought up. So thank you for this - if it turns out well I definitely plan to make some kind of donation. May not be much, but it’ll at least be something. 😀
comment markdown?
like I can put code in here? That's pretty friggin cool!
- what kind of authentication?
- how to block spammers? So much of todays creepy web is actually a consequence of spam trolls, when you think about it.
- is this open sourced (primarily because I want to steal this markdown editor and use it for another project)?
- this
- is
- cool
Ignore the haters Russel. This is great!
i used a bogus email on my first post, to see that it wasn't required - which is great as a feature.
I might suggest making it an radio button option: - "Post as Unverified" - Or give your email for response notificaiton and the ability to edit comments, etc.
saves people from having to type bogus emails (like im about to do) and you will get less email bouncebacks.
1, email harvesting 2, 961ms, 730um ago really??
and no formatting of comments
and not remembering email address between posts, honestly it's like a 5 year old wrote this
click the verification in your email link to log in. Authenticated people do not need to provide email addresses. Only anonymous people do.
As for the human readable timestamps, please send a pull request to my open source library:
Looks like my repo on bitbucket is gone because it was hg mercurial
I'll have to move the repo to a new host.
if this is an example of your comment systems, then it's pretty damn poor! no wonder you're giving it away
The overly emotional tone of this post fills me with suspicion and doubt of the author's sincerity. Given the context of events this past month, it also brings thoughts that the author may be sympathetic towards the recent terrorism, extremism, and lies.
I'm not really sure what else to say. I built Remarkbox 5 years ago and now it's free for all to use.
Pretty much that sums things up.
I am not sympathetic toward any terrorism, whether state sponsored or grass roots.
What I am in favor of is freedom of speech and building facilities for the commons to moderate themselves. I'll have more software for the public soon. You are welcome to use it, or not use it.
Good luck with everything.