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unverified 5y, 200d ago

now if only someone could do something like this for iphone, having to open control center then go to screen record to mute/ unmute mic is irritating and it seems i cant add it to assistive touch control center which would have been helpful a button thats movable press to open press mute/ unmute pretty simple sadly i have no coding knowledge or i would jump on creating it lol.

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MMM 12y, 124d ago

Hello Brett,

I had no idea that this kind of stuff is possible with MMM :)

BTW, have you tried "Ctrl + F5" to use MMM as a cough button? Maybe this will help you? You can read about that here:

Cheers and thanks for your effort with MMM in background.

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Jeremy 12y, 147d ago

And that's easier than audio editing? Maybe my problem is that I came from radio ...

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Chris Gonzales 12y, 149d ago

This might be a bit much to ask, but if you could somehow turn this into a simple iPhone app that works over wifi or bluetooth, I bet you'd have plenty of podcasters out there willing to cough up a buck or two for it. I sure would.

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