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Hanif Houston 8y, 108d ago

Is there a way to build this macro into other macros? I tried inserting the characters using the "insert text by typing" action - but no dice.

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jctumblr 8y, 123d ago

Hi. I’m using a MacBook Pro running El Capitan (version 10.11.6) I get the following error when I tried to use "Make A Date" : 380137:380180: script error: Error on line 13605: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='. Expected a ')' or a ',' after a parameter declaration. (-2700)

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ttscoff 8y, 122d ago

Just updated the download with a fixed version (1.0.1)

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jctumblr 8y, 122d ago

I’ll give that a try. Many thanks!

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ttscoff 8y, 122d ago

I hadn't realized the JSX compiler had updated in 10.12. I'll modify the syntax and update the download, but in the meantime if you just open the script file and remove the "=false" in the parenthesis of the function definition on line 13605, it will work.

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