Thanks for the great write up on Macstock!
You've really encapsulated in the first paragraph why we decided to hold Barry's Midwest Mac BBQ and Macstock last year. We're definitely a different type of event than Macworld. We're smaller for one, but at Macstock's heart, we're much more focused on what makes Apple products great: it's users -- those very folks you traveled to Macworld to see each year. And we're not so big that you won't have an opportunity to meet with just about everyone who comes to Macstock this year: speakers and attendees alike!
And, speaking of speakers, as you pointed out, we've got some really wonderful presenters giving some great talks this year covering all bases from STEM (Science and Technology in Education), to getting the most from apps like OmniFocus and Preview, to more advanced topics like Macs in the Enterprise, so I hope everyone can make it!
I'm really looking forward to meeting you at Macstock this year Brett! Thanks again!
Event Organizer
Macstock 2016