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Charles 14y, 195d ago

Nice; though one thing: if "Block popup windows" is selected, then one never sees anything happen. (I was puzzled, and came here to find out what I was doing wrong.)

Perhaps an option to do it as a popup or in a new tab in the current window?

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btadmin 14y, 195d ago

Thanks, I hadn't run into that but I'll check it out. I would definitely consider opening a better-looking window in a new tab, that would solve a ton of issues I run into with the current method…

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Michel Rose 14y, 200d ago

I love this extension. Was almost exactly what I was Googling for.

I used to use the Make Link Firefox Add-on and I really missed it when I moved to Safari.

The only thing this is lacking is customisation. MakeLink allows you to create HTML, Markdown, anything really, based on a template with variables. And gives a drop-down to select from many, rather than just having one.

One other thing... is there a way to trigger this extension with a keyboard shorcut? I'd love to be able to do all this without touching the trackpad.

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btadmin 14y, 200d ago

You can customize in the Extensions section of Safari Preferences. Just take a look at the default and use the template variables listed.

There's not currently a way to trigger from the keyboard. It's possible, but I find it intrusive when plugins take over entire keys in all web pages. I may add an option to define your own in the next version, though.

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Michel Rose 14y, 182d ago

Thanks Brett. I've got a nice Markdown formatted links now.

Would love to have another way to trigger the extension. I want to keep my fingers on the keyboard as much as possible, reaching for the mouse/trackpad slows me down when I'm working online. At the moment I use a lot of bookmarklets that can be triggered via Quixapp, cmd-1, etc. or Cmd-l 'keyword' -- all of those are preferable to to a mouse, find icon, click routine for me.

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Robert Spencer 14y, 235d ago

I think it's a beautiful idea, I installed it from and then came here to read up more about it. Unfortunately after repeated testing I've come to the conclusion that it does nothing. Maybe it's bust, but I don't get anything like in your screen-shot. I even tried uninstalling, downloaded the zip file from here and tested again. Nothing. Using Safari 5.0.1 (5533.17.8).

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btadmin 14y, 234d ago

I'll need to know more about how you're using it to figure out why it's not working for you. It has to be run in a tab which has a page loaded in it, but beyond that, it really should function in almost any case. Do you have a template set in the preferences (there's one loaded by default)?

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Robert Spencer 14y, 234d ago

I've just tested again and it works now. Seems like all that was needed was a total restart of Safari. Apologies for the noise, I should have tested for that to before reporting a problem. In my defence I was mislead by saying that there was "no need to restart Safari".

That you for this great extension. I'm quite chuffed with it. :-)

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Zeljko Babic 14y, 270d ago

This "If you’d rather get plain HTML, try %t. " does not work for me. I just get blank window with as many blank lines as there are opened tabs. Thanks and cheers.

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ttscoff 14y, 268d ago

I just updated TabLinks to 1.3, which does nothing else other than solve this issue with HTML. I'll add more to it as I get time, but that was a pretty glaring bug :).

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ttscoff 14y, 270d ago

I know it didn't show up right in the comments, but I got your plain text, so it made sense. I tried it, and you're right. I'll figure it out and send out an automatic update as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks for the bug report!

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Bryan 14y, 273d ago

Favicons on tabs? I certainly missed something. How'd you get those?

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ttscoff 14y, 273d ago

Ah, Glims. Check it out, the latest version is Safari 5-ready and it adds a lot of features without using SIMBL.

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Bryan 14y, 273d ago

Thanks. I stayed away from these kinds of things before because of simbl and/or other layers of whatnot...

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Christina Warren 14y, 273d ago

So pray tell, what makes this different from the AppleScript I've had in my Scripts folder for the last two years (also courtesy of you, of course)?

Love seeing you release your private brilliance to the public!!

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ttscoff 14y, 273d ago

Well, I don't remember which script I was working on two years ago… :). This one is faster than AppleScript and is more easily customized with my poor-man's template function. It still needs to be able to limit to just the current window, but in the end it will be more flexible than any of the AppleScripts I've used for this purpose.

Truth is, though, I still use AS for saving batches of bookmarks to Evernote, and in the TextMate bundles that you and I use you can grab all or selected tabs from Safari, right in TextMate. So, in the end, this becomes an ocassionally-useful proof of concept in my actual workflow :).

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Richard 14y, 274d ago

Brilliant thingie!:))))

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Ivan 14y, 276d ago

Just perfect. Both design and utility. One thing. I had to restart to have the extension running.

Thank you!

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