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civrot 9y, 26d ago

What is it about quip that you like better than google docs?

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ttscoff 9y, 26d ago

Simplicity, better API, Markdown import and export, and i still get change tracking, commenting, and live collaboration. The API makes it really easy for me to add integrations from shell scripts, which has become increasingly difficult with Google's API.

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Behinder 9y, 31d ago

Fantastical 2 seems nice but sooooooo I stay with BusyCal on Mac and Fatnastical 2 on iPad.
Also, I never got into brainstorming, my mind doesn't work that way I suppose but for simple thing MindMapple (

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Hans Schiefelbein 9y, 31d ago

Regardless of the appearance as an obligatory pat on the back, nvALT is on my most used apps this year. I have switched from Evernote and still working through a learning curve (simplifying), but it's open almost daily.

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99EE 9y, 29d ago

The only reason I look at this blog every day is for news on nvAlt. I'm always disappointed.

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dmitrym 9y, 31d ago

Same. nvALT is indespensable. Although I am eyeing quiver ( simply because of the organizational features it provides. Plain text is hard to beat though.

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ttscoff 9y, 31d ago

I'm loving Quiver. JSON (which Quiver stores in) is so easily parseable that I can live with it in terms of portability. I have scripts for porting my code snippets between nvALT and Quiver (as a result of dipping toes). My only quibbles are things like spotlight integration.

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dmitrym 9y, 30d ago

I guess so. JSON is still almost plaintext..but not quite. Any hints for nvALT++ or nvALT2? :D

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Behinder 9y, 31d ago

And what about Simplenote?

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