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Mitch Wagner 13y, 309d ago

Hi, Brett! Thanks for your great blog. What theme are you using here for Textmate? Looks good.

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ttscoff 13y, 309d ago

That one is homemade. It's based on Twilight, but has completely different styling for Markdown documents, as seen above. You can try it out (and modify as you like)…

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Mitch Wagner 13y, 308d ago

Great! Thanks!

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Gino 13y, 359d ago


I am wondering what you think of the application ( "MarkMyWords"). MarkMyWords is a Markdown text editor with a Preview window side by side. MarkMyWords has a Full Screen feature just like WriteRoom.

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Brett 13y, 358d ago

By the way, I don't know if you're associated with the developer or not, but I keep meaning to tell him that Smark is pretty damn cool.

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Brett 13y, 358d ago

It's pretty cool, and definitely a nerd's publishing tool. I love the simple plugin architecture, I keep meaning to play with that more (I'm easily distracted). The UI needs some polishing, and I'd love to see some Markdown-editing features like auto list continuation and wrapping/pairing (the stuff I'm always asking for). The feature set is really impressive, nonetheless, and the full screen editor's only problem is that I can't change the backdrop color...

I keep hoping this app really takes off, though. I'll write up some more thoughts later on.

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david. 13y, 362d ago

Just recently heard about textmate via Merlin Mann on Back to Work. (also how i located your site.) I'll have to check it out, although i already do use WriteRoom, actually got it free from one of the MacHeist bundles (i think 2), but always interested in legitimate, free apps. Thanks for the info and the comparison.

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Brett 13y, 361d ago

Just so you're not shocked later, I'll note that TextMate itself is not free. It's about $50. Converting it to work like WriteRoom is free, but you have to pay the price of admission :). If you're happy using WriteRoom, you're probably going to find it best to stick with that.

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Doc Rock 14y, 3d ago

BT: Thanks again for another great tip. I don't use concentration mode either because like we've talked about before if you need to hide everything to focus you are not really that much into what you are writing. That said the Green Moleskine Mod is freakin' awesome.

This will tie in greatly with my use of the Blogsmith Bundle for writing my post.

Aloha Nui Loa

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Kelly Guimont 14y, 3d ago

I like to use an app from Freeverse called Think Because it lets me select more than one app at a time to sit up front with everything else hidden away. This comes in handy when I'm blogging because I can have the browser I use for "work" (not the one with 65978243890129863 tabs open) and TextMate open at the same time and switch JUST between those two. It works for me, YMMV, etc etc. (:

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