The script works perfectly with taskpaper extension. Nothing happens if the extension is ".txt" or ".md." Do you have any idea why it's not working with other extensions?
Nevermind. I figured it out. Some of the files in the nvALT database didn't have extensions and that was causing problems.
It's working for me with md and txt files. Have you tested using the exact same remind tag in both filetypes to make sure that syntax errors aren't the issue?
Sorry I didn't see your reply. Yes, I was using the same content. But what I did was, I used the taskpaper file in a different folder. When I put it in nvALT database the taskpaper extension stopped working as well. So I went through all the notes in nvALT folder and found that some of the files were missing extensions and that was preventing the script from running, even the file where I used the remind tag did have the proper extension. I'm not very tech-savvy but it looks like if ALL the files don't have an extension in the folder it seems to abort the script or something.
Anyway, thank you so much for the script. I'm looking forward to the commercial product based on this script!