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Julian Schiemann 11y, 30d ago

I'm about to start a website for app recommendations and use your tool every day. Thank you so much. I like the standalone app, but it would be nice to set the cursor automatically in the textfield when starting the app. Is the launch bar any different in that regard?

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ttscoff 11y, 30d ago

Do you use LaunchBar? It's much more convenient and you input the string right in LaunchBar itself, no popup.

The iTunesIcon app is an automator workflow, so I have no control over the interface, unfortunately.

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Julian Schiemann 11y, 30d ago

I use Alfred, but would give launchbar a try if that works even better with your icon app.

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Guest 11y, 27d ago

Oh much thanks for the Alfred love here too!!

LOL. I actually tried to hack your script into a workflow myself to no avail before reading down the comments...30 min later! Now I've learnt the one critical difference of changing the input TERM to the Alfred {query} - thanks!

I made a couple minor tweaks to the Trigger:

* seemed an appropriate time to bring out  (OPT+SHIFT+k) for the Keyword!
* Enhanced the subtext to remind of the syntax:
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ttscoff 11y, 30d ago

Give this a shot:

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Julian Schiemann 11y, 29d ago

works awesome! Thanks for your work! Have a great day (:

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Chris Sperandio 11y, 30d ago

Wow! On behalf of all the Alfred folk: thanks for the love, Brett!

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