Wow - this looks great! But, index.html doesn't seem to be in the download? Am I missing something? Thanks!
I am now running Brett's elegant Cheaters on my iPad alongside my iMac screen. Cheaters is running on iPad's mobile Safari by calling up Brett's index.html file that resides resides in Dropbox and syncs to my iPad via GoodReader. Those wishing to set this up need to visit Don McAllister's ScreencastsOnLine. You'll need to become a SCOL member, something you will never regret. Then, watch the Cheaters show that is found in the Mac Tutorial section and is numbered SCOM0339. Next, you need to watch GoodReader Part 2 in the iPad Tutorial section. Along the way, Don will teach you how to create cheatsheets from html code found on the net as well as pdf cheatsheets also found on the net.
Brett, again, thanks to you and Gabe at Macdrifter for sharing this elegant idea with the community. Thanks also to Don for putting the final touches on it. All we need now is a repository of cheatsheets the community might share and plug into Brett's engine.
This is a cool idea and I'm looking forward to playing with it this weekend. My particular hack was to take screen shots of the PDF markdown cheat sheets from Station in the Metro and edit it as a desktop background.
Very nice idea. Not a programmer, so the CSS, HTML stuff doesn't really apply, but I've been looking for a way to show up my Keyboard Maestro shortcuts elegantly. This is it.
One question: it takes about 5 seconds for the cheat sheet to show up - I'm guessing it's the whole "start a new window in safari and go fetch that url" thingy, but I just want to make sure everyone has the same delay - otherwise, I may have an issue?
Thx again. Paul
This is very cool. I had a quick question. I've got the cheats up and running, both as an Automator application, and just using a web browser. Using the browser works for Safari and Firefox, but for some reason when I open the index.html with Chrome, all I get is the menu--no actual content appears. I get normal hovering behavior over the menu items, but clicking the links doesn't take me any where, the page just stays blank. I've poked around in my Chrome settings, but I'm not seeing anything that seems to be related.
Any thoughts or hints in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks again
Thanks Brett, it's almost exactly what I never knew I was looking for—great idea! Now it's on me to expand on that and come up with a PHP cheat sheet--if only I could remember the preg_match and replace syntax…
Have you seen PHPfi? It's a handy cheat sheet all on its own. It uses the downloadable HTML version of the PHP docs. Those docs all come in separate HTML files as a side benefit, which could probably be markdownified into smaller cheat sheets :).
Looks great. I tried doing this on 10.6.8 though, and couldn't find that second 'popup' action. Perhaps it's a new addition in Lion?
The action existed for quite a while and could be downloaded from Apple's
It does not work anymore, though - since Safari 5.1 or so...
Fortunately, the folks in Apple's forums have a solution for all the SL users out there: the action that came with Lion. Just download it (link in the thread), drop it in ~ /Library/Automator and you should be good to go.
Quite likely a Lion-only feature. I actually didn't know it existed until Gabe pointed it out over at
Great strategy. I'd seen Gabe's idea, which gave me some ideas, but this gives me even more. I had been using something much less flexible with Keyboard Maestro running a shell script to run Quick Look on certain files.
do shell script "qlmanage -p /Users/UserName/Path/To/File"
Your approach is much better. One way I suspect I'll use it is to help me with Maestro. My extensive use of that application is taxing the limits of my memory. I'll probably do something whereby pressing a shortcut like F1 will display a screen shot of the Maestro macros for the current application and Command-F1 will show global macros.
Along with the generally great strategy shown here, my thanks for the HTML example. I lack that skill, so that's a big help.
Hey Brett this is really smart. I've got a question: where do you save your Automator application? I bet you have lots of them and would love any tips for keeping them organized. Thanks :)
Truth be told, this is the only Automator Application on my current system. I have a ton of Services, but rarely use Automator to create apps. That being said, most of my applications created with AppleScript Editor, Automator, Platypus, etc. go into ~/Applications
(an Applications folder in my home directory). Most launchers and indexers know to look there, so it doesn't take any extra work to get them, say, into LaunchBar.