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liam 12y, 78d ago

I went to getglue, but cannot find the rss feed for the activity feed. Anyone have an idea?

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Jeff Jenkins 12y, 196d ago

There must be a way of getting facebook status updates into Day One witha combination of IFTTT, Dropbox, Hazel and Slogger, yes? I have an IFTTT rule set up to post facebook status updates to a dropbox folder but I need to know how to get Slogger to pick up these entries from the Dropbox folder and create a Day One entry out of them. I'm happy to start looking into the Slogger code to maybe produce a plug-in for this though I'm not familiar with Ruby. Is there a plug-in that would act as a template/startign point that I could use?

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

Ronn 12y, 195d ago

Use an RSS feed from your Dropbox folder to get into your journal.

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Jeff Jenkins 12y, 197d ago

Fantastic update works really well, thanks again!

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

Ronn 12y, 208d ago

Thanks for including the RSS Feed Resource in this.

Huge thanks, though, for putting together Slogger and sharing it!

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