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SvenF 11y, 268d ago

Interestingly I see a release 2.2beta 111 while the latest download as of today has a 106 release number.
Any idea?

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ttscoff 11y, 268d ago

"Once you’ve updated to version 2.2b 106, check for updates again to get your OS-specific version."

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kidpixo 11y, 267d ago

brett, I bet this is the bug nr.1 for this release :-D

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Dave 11y, 279d ago

1 weird Snow Leopard I'm not seeing an Icon in the dock. The indicator is lit, but the space is blank.

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Paul Préfontaine 11y, 281d ago

Amazing stuff — thank you so very much. I use nvALT every day.

And a tiny heads up : release notes say “nvALT is now based on NVb5” and the “about nvALT” window in the app says “based on NV 2.0 β4”.

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pps 11y, 281d ago

Thanks for the update; love nValt. One question,
How do you get the Numbered list auto-continuation to work? I type 1. some text and hit return, and nothing happens. I also tried doing tab 1., etc.

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pps 11y, 280d ago

Ah, it was my fault. I didn't see that you also had to check for updates!

Two feature requests:
1. It would be awesome if you could add support for MathJax to the preview (I think it already exists in Marked).
2. I use your neat Tag Navigator script, but it would be awesome to have that integrated as well.

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Fabien 11y, 281d ago

Thanks for this wonderful tool which I am using extensively. :)

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Martin Johns 11y, 281d ago

Can you give more details on the note-trashing issue? I currently run nvAlt only on one single Mac, where I _never_ quit it unless I am rebooting. My notes are synced via Dropbox.

On my iOS devices, I use Notesy to read and occasionally modify my notes. Can this cause data loss? And how would I notice something like this? Are single notes disappearing (as it was the case with the SimpleNote syncing problems), or are notes reverting to older state? Or something else?

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James Schmidt 11y, 269d ago

I'd also be interested in a bit more clarification on this. I have nvAlt running on three Macs (it's essential, after all) and have it set to launch at startup on each of them. Do I need to shut it down completely, or is it enough not to have the the editing window open on more than one machine at a time.

I'm looking forward to shelling out some cold, hard cash to buy this baby: it's great!

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The Doctor What 11y, 268d ago

It looks like it is issue 129 on github:

It seems that the "Interim Note-changes" file is having conflicts between the systems.

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jrendell 11y, 283d ago

Doesn't seem to work with ZFS- and I'm really missing NVAlt!

I recently moved my home directory to ZFS. Everything seems to 'just work', except NVAlt. On editing anything, I get a "Changed notes could not be saved because a parameter was invalid." dialog box, and:

2013-06-10 2:20:17.811 PM nvALT[5399]: error exchanging contents of temporary file with destination file -50
2013-06-10 2:20:17.811 PM nvALT[5399]: Unable to save note file

In the console log.

Anyone have any suggestions?

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Nacho 11y, 283d ago

Hi, I love nvALT, however this last update removed the ability to hide the menu bar and dock icons simultaneously. I use a keyboard shortcut to bring nvALT to front and that's enough for me, so I don't need no icon and want to keep my menu bar and dock as uncluttered as possible.

Please bring this back.

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Jamie 11y, 284d ago

Thanks for the update! There's one thing that still doesn't work, however. If the main window is closed, then the url handler doesn't show it. This means my Alfred nvALT search remains essentially unusable... Hope there's an easy fix!

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kidpixo 11y, 284d ago

Another nice job :-D

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Peter 11y, 285d ago

Just wanted to say thanks for all your work on nvALT and your other projects! I use nvALT every single day. I would be one of the first to purchase any app you may put up for sale on the app stores. Thanks also for a very interesting podcast with Fletcher Penney.

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