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macosxguru 12y, 264d ago

The bookmarklets fail with an error. The error is Mac OS doesn't recognize Internet addresses starting with nv://. I am using the 2.2b(94) version.

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Brett 12y, 264d ago

Try editing the bookmark and changing output=nv to output=nvalt and see what happens. 2.2b should recognize nv://, but its possible that a prior association broke the handler.

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macosxguru 12y, 264d ago

The Clip to nvALT bookmarklet works with the change. The Clip to nvALT w/tags doesn't work. Strange.

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Brett 12y, 264d ago

Just to be sure, you changed it in this part, right?




If you did that, I'll have to look into it further to see what's up.

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